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Гарантия возврата
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Все денежные переводы безопасны, а данные банковских карт защищены.
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Yehuda, Samaria and the Jordan River Valley
Ariel and Yehuda SettlementsGush EtzionJordan River Valley and the North of the Dead SeaSamaria SettlementsSettlement of the southern highlands
Jerusalem District
Beit Shemesh and surroundingsYehuda Mountains - Mevaseret and surroundingsJerusalemMaale Adumim and surroundings
Northern District
AkkoUpper GalileeGolan HeightsKarmiel and surroundingsKinneret and surroundingsKrayot and surroundingsNahariyaNazareth - Shfaram and surroundingsLower GalileeRosh Pina and Hula surroundingsHaifa and surroundings
Hadera Zichron and the valleys
Afula and the valleysBeit Shean ValleyZikhron Ya’akov and the Carmel CoastYokneam, Tivon and surroundingsCaesarea and surroundingsRamat MenasheHadera and surroundings
HerzliyaKfar SabaNetanya and surroundingsRaיananaRamat HasharonNorth of SharonHod HaSharon and surroundingsSouth Sharon
Central District
Bat YamBnei BrakGivat ShmuelGivatayimAyalon ValleyValley OnoLodModi’in Illit and surroundingsPetah TikvaRamat GanRamlaRishon LezionRosh Ha’in and surroundingsTel AvivHolonShoham and surroundings
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