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Honda brand cars

You can buy a new Honda car in Jerusalem or Beer Sheva, you can pick it up according to your financial capabilities. To sell Honda, the main thing is to correctly write an ad on the Acol website. Please read the application rules first.

For a quick selection on the site there is a catalog with a detailed description of each car and photos. Choose the best car that, with proper care, will last a very long time.

At the origins of the creation of the Honda automobile brand was the engineer Soichiro Honda. In 1948, he founded a company that made mopeds. The first models of two-wheeled vehicles left the assembly line in 1951. For a long time, the company produced motorcycles and mopeds, being one of the largest manufacturers in this industry. The demand was very high. The company produced up to 100 thousand models per month. In 1968, a million bikes were produced. The production of the first cars started in 1963. These were small pickup trucks and sports roadsters. The company began its exploration of the global automotive market with the Civic model. It happened in 1972. Honda management focused on the production of compact cars, high quality, with an affordable price for the buyer.

In 1976, the company reached new heights with more than a million Civics produced and also launched the now legendary Accord. Already in 1980, it was one of the top three car manufacturers in Japan. In 1997, Honda opened its production facilities in other countries of the world, including:

1. India.

2. Indonesia.

3. Vietnam.

4. Brazil.

5. Turkey.

Since 1998, the demand for branded machines has increased significantly. For example, more cars were sold in North America than in Japan itself.
Selling Honda in Israel

The company does not stand still, constantly developing and introducing new technologies into its models. Therefore, it is not surprising that many motorists want to purchase a model of a famous company. You can buy Honda cars in Haifa, Tel Aviv and other major cities of the country using the services of the Acol Internet resource. Cars from this manufacturer are very popular due to their performance, reliability and endurance. A wide range of models allows motorists to choose a model according to their preferences and needs. There are different sellers on the site:

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